Ruby On Rails

Ruby on Rails, often shortened to Rails or RoR, is an open source web application framework based on the Ruby programming language. It’s creator, David H Hansson had a high view of clear aesthetics and productivity in design. When you look at the functionality and clearness of the RoR code it is evident that the developers of the Rails framework took this theme to heart.

Ruby is an international web development language that can be widely applied in the web development field. It is similar to languages such as Perl, PHP, BASIC, C, Pascal but demonstrates a different approach to problem solving. The aim of Ruby on Rails is to provide developers with a superior infrastructure where the emphasis is on functionality and efficiency rather than extensive configuration.

All the features of Ruby on rails have already been used in modern web applications by real developers and the Rails framework enjoys a large following within the online community. Here is an overview of some of the positive features associated with this unique open source application framework:

  • Ease of use: Convention precedes configuration in Rails because the focus is on building web applications in a shorter amount of time with less fuss.
  • MVC pattern: Ruby on Rails allows you to keep web applications organised through its Model-View-Controller (MVC). The MVC separates code into 3 distinct areas of responsibility.
  • DRY: Rails includes a number of tools that enables you to keep your code free from duplication. These tools also allow you to easily abstract duplicated elements out of your code and into a shared resource.
  • Simplifies web application building: You won’t need to understand an excessive amount of other development languages in order to achieve the desired results and to build an effective web application.
  • Testing: Another wonderful thing about Ruby on Rails is the emphasis that the framework places on automated testing. Rails automatically ads test stubs and sample test scripts for each of the models and controllers generated through Rails.
  • Development Tools: Rails includes a built-in development web server that you can run for each project. Rails will also assist you with powerful learning tools.
  • Community Plug-ins: The Rails community also provides a wealth of shared code through the use of Rails plug-ins.
  • Fast To get up and running: Ruby on Rails allows you to get your web application up and running in a short amount of time.

Rails is a bit more challenging to deploy when you compare it to a solution such as PHP. Development techniques and best practices within Rails can often change at a fairly rapid pace because of the large community continually aiming to improve this development tool.

The Rails framework enjoys a large following and is supported by big names such as Intel, Microsoft, Apple, Sun. Microsystems, As with many of the other Open source applications you’ll find different people saying different things about the Ruby on Rails development framework. The innovative nature of the web development field requires you to stay informed about the latest changes and developments in the field.

As with the Ruby language, web development languages are subject to change and are continually being improved upon. In order to stay ahead of the game and find the best open source solution for your business, you’ll need to grow your knowledge and online vocabulary.

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